Bouzonville Prayer Times
France - Bouzonville Prayer Times 2025
TimezoneLocal Time
12 January 2025
Gregorian Calendar12 Rajab 1446
Islamic CalendarBouzonville Prayer Times
France - Bouzonville Fajr time 19 degrees, Isha time 17 degrees
Bouzonville Prayer Times
France - Bouzonville Diyanet Calendar, Fajr time 18 degrees, Isha time 17 degrees
Bouzonville Prayer Times
Fajr Time : 06:13
Imsak marks the beginning of Sahur, the pre-dawn meal before fasting, and the Fajr prayer time. It is the moment to stop eating and prepare for the day's fast. The Fajr prayer is performed approximately 20 minutes after Imsak. Check the local Imsak time in Bouzonville to ensure timely Sahur and Fajr prayer during the blessed hours of the morning.
Sunrise : 08:19
The sunrise marks the beginning of the prohibited time for prayer, lasting until the Ishraq prayer time. Be sure to check the accurate sunrise time in Bouzonville to avoid praying during the restricted period and plan for the Ishraq prayer accordingly.
Ishraq Time : 09:22
Ishraq Time in Bouzonville, Ishraq time marks the end of the prohibited time for prayer and the beginning of the Duha prayer. It is also the time when the Eid prayer is performed. Be sure to observe the precise Ishraq time in Bouzonville to schedule your prayers accordingly.
Dhuhr Prayer : 12:54
Dhuhr Prayer Time in Bouzonville Dhuhr prayer time in Bouzonville starts at 12:54. The Friday prayer (Jumu'ah) is also performed at the time of the Dhuhr Adhan. Ensure you are aware of the correct Dhuhr time in Bouzonville for timely prayer observance.
Asr Prayer : 14:52
Asr Prayer Time in Bouzonville, Asr prayer time in Bouzonville starts at 14:52. This marks the time for the Asr Adhan and the beginning of the Asr prayer. Be mindful of the correct Asr time in Bouzonville to perform your prayer promptly.
Maghrib Prayer : 17:07
Maghrib Prayer Time in Bouzonville, Maghrib prayer time in Bouzonville starts at 17:07. Iftar time begins with the Maghrib Adhan, marking the moment to break the fast after a day of fasting. Be sure to check the exact Maghrib time in Bouzonville to perform your prayer and enjoy Iftar promptly.
Isha Prayer : 19:00
Isha Prayer Time in Bouzonville, Isha prayer time in Bouzonville starts at 19:00. After Isha, the Witr prayer is performed. The time for Tahajjud begins approximately 12 hours after the Dhuhr prayer. Be sure to observe the exact Isha time in Bouzonville to schedule your prayers, including Witr and Tahajjud, accordingly.
Qibla Time : 08:33
Qibla Time in Bouzonville, Qibla time in Bouzonville is when the sun and the Qibla are perfectly aligned. By facing the sun at this specific time, you can easily determine the Qibla direction for prayer. Check the exact Qibla time in Bouzonville to ensure accurate alignment with the Qibla.